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Vintage steering wheels

In our headquarter there is a vast assortment of steering wheels in leather, wood and bakelite, with diameters ranging from 31cm to 42cm (measurements approved for circulation on the road).

We also have steering wheels for competitive use

with diameters from 24cm to 30cm not approved for circulation on the road.

For the assembly of "aftermarket" steering wheels it is necessary to mount the adapter hub that we sell in KIT provided with screws, metallic O-RING and clacson.

For the "Classic" Porsche steering wheels in which we specialized, we have models from the 1950s

to the current ones. Please contact us for any need.

A small selection of original and "aftermarket" steering wheels from the 1950s to nowadays.

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Wide variety of original Porsche steering wheels, especially Porsche 356, 911, 912, 914 and other models from the 50s to the 90s.

Click the image to open the gallery

Our online catalogue, constantly updated, is available at the website, and offers the possibility of supplying

more than 3000 (three thousand) models of hubs for almost all the cars in the world from the 40s up to nowadays.

To consult the showcase of all our steering wheels and accessories for vintage cars and motorcycles, we invite you to visit the site:

Auto Retro Italia, in which I have a technical consultant role,

has been for many years an authorized dealer of the prestigious brands:

volanti nardi
volanti luisi
volanti momo

We can also search for you: Use and maintenance booklets, brochures, official documentation of vintage vehicles and other accessories.

Click the image to open the gallery

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